Proven Literacy Intervention. Available through Nido Learning.



RAVE-O has been updated over the past year! More information can be found at nidolearning.com


NICHD Collaboration with Maureen Lovett and Robin Morris






Wolf, M. (2010)  RAVE-O Reading Intervention Program. Sopris Learning and Cambium Publishing Co. Now Voyager/Sopris. 

Lovett, M., Frijters, J., Wolf, M., Steinbach, K., Sevcik, R., & Morris, R. (2017). Early intervention for children at risk for reading disabilities: The impact of grade at intervention and individual differences on  intervention outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology.167: 354-368.


Wolf, M., Ullman-Shade, C., Gottwald, S. (2017). Lessons from the reading brain for reading development and dyslexia. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. 

Morris, R.D., Lovett, M.W., Wolf, M., Sevcik, R.A., Steinbach, K.A., Frijters, J.C., & Shapiro, M. (2011/print 2012). Multiple-component remediation for developmental reading disabilities: IQ, SES, and race as factors on remedial outcome. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(2), 99-127.

Wolf, M. & Ullman-Shade, C. (2012). The emerging, evolving reading brain in a digital culture: Implications for new readers, children with reading difficulties, and children without schools. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 11(3), 230-240.

Wolf, M., Gottwald, S., Orkin, M. (2009). ‘Serious Word Play’: How multiple linguistic emphases in RAVE-O instruction improve multiple reading skills. Special issue of Perspectives on Language and Literacy, International Dyslexia Association, Fall, 21-24.

Wolf, M., Barzillai, M., Miller, L., Gottwald, S., Spencer, K., Norton, E. (2009). The RAVE-O Intervention:  Connecting neuroscience to classroom practice. Mind, Brain, and Education. Special Issue. 3(2), p. 84-93.

Cohen, E., Sevcik, R., Wolf, M., Lovett, M., & Morris, R. (2008). Integrating the PHAST and RAVE-O programs for struggling readers. In M. Kuhn and P. Schwanenflugel (Eds.), Fluency in the classroom. NY: Guilford Press.

Donnelly Adams, K., Joffe BenAryeh, T., & Wolf, M. (2004). RAVE-O: Bringing fluency intervention to the classroom. Dyslexia Contact. Journal of British Dyslexia Association

Wolf, M., Miller, L., & Donnelly, K. (2000). RAVE-O:  A comprehensive fluency-based reading intervention program. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 33, 375-386. (Special Issue on the Double-Deficit Hypothesis:  Editors:  M. Wolf & P. Bowers).
